Darkrp gamemode code
Darkrp gamemode code


This is a small discord, and you do not need to show off your videos that much. Please do not post your youtube videos or channel if it's still within the front page of the new section. Server plugs are required to be thought-out posts containing your IP and a description of your server. That means no pictures of your server's prostitute skin. If someone posts a server, and you tried it and didn't like it, tell them suggestions on how they can improve his/her server. So be patient with them as they are patient with you mostly all the time.Specifically, don't come crying to Reddit because you got banned from a server. ) Some people are nice enough to mentor you and teach you this stuff. ( GLua is different from lua sort of, so that's on you to learn and figure out the differences. From there take your knowledge and apply it onto gmod and etc. Wan't to keep reading? Buy all the books. Well if you don't wanna buy anything ? Learn Lua, go to the website and read the first book they published or somebody idk.


Honestly, I would do the same thing if I ever leaked ( Which I never have and never will ) I would like put something in there that causes it to spam a console message and on everyone's HUD ( that's in the server ) and have it say something like ( THIS IS A LEAK, STOP BEING A SCRUB AND BUY THE REAL SCRIPT ( then I would insert the script's link to buy ) and for the regular players which I would have it check for it would say this " THE SERVER OWNER/S / DEVELOPERS WERE TO CHEAP TO BUY THE SCRIPT OR MAKE IT THEMSELVES, SO THIS IS THE PRICE YOU GUYS HAVE TO PAY WITH HIM/HER" If people start telling this ♥♥♥♥ like " Well some of us don't have enough money to buy the scripts or have lua knowledge to make it ourselves." Well here's my answer : pre-plan everything, calculate how much you're going to need for everything plus the server itself with the slots. If you want more help either add me here on steam, or go to this forum, and post a thread in the correct section

darkrp gamemode code

Some require more installation steps, so please read the config file of the addon. This is where all the ♥♥♥♥ing addons you waste your money on. Okay if you're hosting a server or renting a server go here garrysmod > addons> YOU NEED to either Port Foward, or rent a server from a game server host, in order for people to join your server. Please just don't make a comment, just read this and go to this link Sorry Atheos I just had to, pls don't hate me now xD.


HasLicense = true, - Determines if the job spawns with Gun License Vote = false, - Whether you need to be voted into the job TEAM_ASSASSIN = DarkRP.createJob("FPtje Atheos",Īdmin = 2, - Determines whether only admins/superadmins can access this. This is where you add custom jobs, if you're gonna edit default jobs, DISABLE THEM IN THE DARKRP_SETTINGS FOLDER UNDER DISABLED_DEFAULTS.LUA Okay now if you add jobs go to darkrpmodification > lua > darkrp_customthings > a


Sublime Text is for people who want a fancier looking code editor ( Glua, will have to be manually installed, better thank FPtje for making glua on sublime text )

darkrp gamemode code

Please use a Code editor, as the regular notepad will mess up the lua file. This is where you will add all the jobs, custom vehicles, shipments, custom modules, food items and etc, this is also where you will edit the settings, like the spawning of cars and etc. Pls go here if you do edit corefiles, for help

darkrp gamemode code

If you or someone else edit DarkRP, the DarkRP developers are not responsible for any errors you might encounter during the process of editing core files. txt file in every folder you go into in core files. Then afterwards, you HAVE TO get the DarkRP modification, Don't be an ♥♥♥ and just don't edit Core files, as there is a. DarkRP is one of the best gamemodes out there, best of all it's free!!!įirst you can either get this workshop version, or github version which is here:

Darkrp gamemode code